
Rufinus: A Commentary on the Apostles’ Creed is unavailable, but you can change that!

The most important work of Rufinus, and aimed at persons under instruction for the sacraments, this work offers a guide to teaching and defending the Creed. It offers a glimpse of popular Christian apologetics at the beginning of the fifth century. Edited by J. N. D. Kelly.

with this too: The Lord reconciles the hearts of princes of the earth.120 22. It is further related that, when Pilate wanted to release Him, the whole multitude shouted in uproar: Crucify Him, crucify Him.121 This was foretold by the prophet Jeremias, speaking in the person of the Lord Himself: My inheritance, he says, is become to me as a lion in the wood: it hath cried out against me. Therefore have I hated it. And therefore, he adds, I have forsaken my house.122 In yet another passage he says:
Pages 57–58